RABBI Tamara Miller
High Holy Day Urban Retreat Registration

Please join us as we reflect on the past year.
Prepare for the New Year 5777
Rabbi Tamara Miller and Cantor Mark Rozanski
Rosh Hashanah Second Day
Tashlich/The Ritual for Casting Away Our Regrets
Tuesday, October 4
5:00 PM gathering
Instead of bread, we will distribute rose petals,
A softer more gentler approach to our misgivings
Kol Nidre
Tuesday, October 11
Chastleton Ballroom
1701 16th Street, NW, DC
Pre-Fast Community Gathering
Desserts, Water, Tea and Seltzer
5:30 PM
Evening prayers
6:15 PM
Yom Kippur
We will have use of the Chastleton Ballroom all day until after the Break-The-Fast. All your belongings will be secure.
Wednesday, October 12
All day services followed by catered Meditteranean Break-the-Fast
This year, we would like you to reach out and bring a friend. To encourage you, we have added a discount for both you and your friend.
Register by September 26 for Early Bird Rates
$200 Individual contribution
$180/each Group (2+) contribution
Register after September 27
$225 Individual contribution
$200/each Group (2+) contribution
Click here to reserve your place
Price includes all services, pre-fast dessert offerings, Mediterranean break- the-fast
*New this year
The pre-fast dinner will take place on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at the Dupont Italian Kitchen on the corner of 17th and R Street at 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM.
Please come on time so you can eat mindfully and slowly. Please bring cash so we can pay the bill efficiently.
RSVP to Toby Horn (tmh20009@gmail.com) by Friday, October 7, 2016.
Dessert will continue at the Chastleton Ballroom until the service begins at 6:30 PM at 1701 16th Street, NW, DC.
Questions about the events? Email HighHolyDayRetreat@gmail.com
Please Note: Tickets can be transferred but not refunded. If you would like to transfer your ticket, please send us an email.