RABBI Tamara Miller

“It is our family's good fortune to have met Rabbi Miller and get to know her. She has helped Erica through the conversion, advised Raphy and Erica about Jacob's Brit Mila, as well as officiated at their wedding. In short, she advised, taught, held their hand and performed many of the Jewish life cycles. I do treasure our ever evolving friendship."
Hanna Goodstein
Washington, DC
“Words cannot express our gratitude to you for being our Rabbi, friend, and confidante. Your talent, experience, and warmth made our wedding so special and has launched our new marriage from a wonderful foundation of love, friendship, and respect for yours, as well as each other's gifts. We look forward to sharing a life as a couple with you for many years to come."
Leora & Jim
Washington, DC
“​Thank you for the beautiful ceremony for my son. We were thrilled that his grandparents could be present for this special event. We can't thank you enough for how quickly you were able to pull everything together."
Laura & Bennet
Alexandria, Virginia