Obligation to Tell Our Story: My Book Launch

Rabbi Tamara Miller’s memoir: You Are The Book
Save the Date for Birthday Book Launch!
Sixth & I Historic Synagogue
June 11, 2017
5:00 -7:00 pm
Our obligation to tell the story of our people’s journey from slavery to freedom was a Torah commandment.
And you shall explain to your children on that day, “It is because of what the Lord did for me when I went free from Egypt." Exodus 13:8.
When I was in elementary public school, the teachers would always ask me to “tell” the story of Passover to my classmates. I literally took it upon myself to fulfill this commandment. And the more I retold the story, the deeper the story became integrated into my life’s work.
To write the story into the book of telling, The Haggadah, resulted from a conscious decision by the sages of the Mishna.
Even if we are all wise and understanding, all elders expert in the Torah, we are still obliged to speak of the Exodus from Egypt. Whoever discusses the Exodus at length should be praised.
Continue to tell the story and you will be amazed at how it will affect your own story!