If you can't be there, feel there

My family has acquired the new Facebook Portal. As we get ready to do a virtual Passover Seder 2020, this new technology brings me closer to my loved ones. I can see them moving around in the kitchen cooking and eating as they discuss their daily activities. My grandchildren are growing up minute by minute on this YouTube fairyland channel.
I can’t be there in person, but I can feel their presence. And being in their presence lifts me out of my anxiety and into the reality of loving what is and loving each of them more deeply.
This Passover, Portal is our doorway to the world of the past. We look back at our history and try to re-experience the story of our Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land, from slavery to freedom. The biblical world of signs and wonders awaits us, but so does the message of hope in our future.
As we sit in front of our Portals (computers, tablets and cell phones} we will be in the now. And the now is wow! We did it! We created virtual Seders around the globe.
May the highly-spirited singing throughout the Seder's story, sustain and nourish us now.
Chag Sameach. A joyful Passover.